On Friday, 27 November 2009, we were once again in the hospitable library of the Goethe Institute in Athens, for another well-organized event about what else: libraries, books and our students.
The workshop "A library in the backpack" was presented by Ulrike Buchman, professor of the German Literature department at the University of Hannover (Leibniz Universität Hannover).
After the introductory lecture , she presented various activities that can be conducted in a school library to promote reading. The slogan was
"Reading, just for the fun of it!"
Later on, five books were discussed:
Fünfter sein,
Die Torte ist weg,
Gewitternacht &
Die Geschichte vom Löwen, der nicht schreiben konnte
and then it was the participants' turn to form small groups and express their own ideas on how to present these books to their student clubs at school.
The seminar did not look like «ex cathedra» teaching at all. On the contrary, it was very vivid and also the teacher librarians contributed their own comments and suggestions.
Professor Ulrike Buchmann, whose main research interest is psychology and teaching of reading & juvenile literature, spoke in German, but Sabine Sartzetaki, who teaches at the Ionian University, helped us with her excellent interpretation into Greek.
I would like to express my thanks to director Gerlinde Buck and librarian Christine Tzimis of the Goethe Institute Library
for the interesting event and the relaxed atmosphere that was provided.
Similar posts in Greek have also appeared in the following social network media of school libraries:
http://3gym-kerats.att.sch.gr/library/forum/viewtopic.php?p=3597 # 3597
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